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1) Developing a Clear Vision for your Ultimate Business
How to stop working on today... Start working on tomorrow
Do you ever feel you are aiming at a target so far in the distance it’s as if it doesn’t exist? You have to bring the target into clear view. The problem is most businesses don’t begin with the end in mind.

One of the most powerful advantages in business is to know EXACTLY what your business will look like when it’s DONE, what it will feel like, what service you will be providing, who your ideal customer will be, and what role each person on your team will play. Some business owners and sales people just know this instinctively, but most struggle with a vision that extends out to the finish line.

A detailed vision takes some effort, and it starts by getting out of your business and looking from the outside in. You need some time to think, to daydream, and look beyond today’s limitations.

In our  “Building the Orchestra” Coaching Program,  we will provide a format to help you do this. How? First, you must build your vision on a basis that there no shortage of TIME, TALENT, OR MONEY. Why? Because if you have a clear vision, you will find the time to work on it… you will find the right people to be on your team, and the money people will come along to join with you. Roy Disney said… “When your vision is clear, your decisions are easy”. You have a bigger future and you can find it in this program.

2) Prioritizing your Objectives
How to stop working on everything... Start working on one thing
As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. But it will never get built if you are working on the wrong things in the wrong order. In our Building the Orchestra Coaching Program,  we will provide the format that will help you determine your long term objectives. But perhaps more important, we can help you determine what should be your first and most important steps TODAY

3) Utilizing the Entrepreneurs Time System

How to stop multitasking your schedule... Start focusing your efforts 

Managers and employees only have to schedule operations problems. But Owners and Salespeople have to manage both problems AND opportunities, and a calendar doesn’t deal with the conflict between the two. That’s why problems are in most of your time slots. In the Building an Orchestra Coaching Program,  we will show you a time management system that will allow you to PROACTIVELY pursue your opportunities…while still being able to handle the never ending problem interruptions.

4) Finding your DNA (Distinct Natural Advantage)
How to stop being everyone... Start being unique
Most consumers today are overrun with options in every product or service they need.  As a result, their FIRST question is… what’s unique about you? Some business owners and salespeople know their DNA instinctively, while most are still not sure. In the Building the Orchestra Coaching program,  we will show you a process… a series of steps that will bring out your unique ability and strengths, so that you can instantly communicate how you’re different from your competitors. And when you are clear about what makes you different, your marketing message will hit your target like a bullet… instead of like an arrow with no feathers.

5) Converting your DNA (Distinct Natural Advantage)
How to stop selling products... Start selling solutions

When you find your DNA… your Distinct Natural Advantage, you can then begin to stop selling you…and start selling a system that provides a solution to your client’s problem. This can greatly change the way you communicate your message. For instance, most business owners or salespeople communicate in the same boring way… “Mr. prospect, what we do is analysis your current situation, compare what you are doing with how our product or service can improve your situation, then we will implement our product or service, and then will be available along the way to make sure you stay on track.” Not very compelling is it?” In the Building your Orchestra Coaching Program,  we will show you how to convert the exact service you are providing into a 4 to 6 step Name Branded Solution that will be a game changer.

6) Branding your DNA (Distinct Natural Advantage)
How to stop selling you... Start selling your brand 
When you convert the service you offer into a 4 to 6 step solution, you can then Name Brand your solution into a powerful message. In the Building the Orchestra Coaching Program,  will show you a step by step process for creating a BRAND that will change everything about your marketing efforts. Click here for a FREE copy of our eBook… “ DNA – HOW BUSINESS OWNERS AND SALESPEOPLE CAN CREATE A MARKETING REVOLUTION BY CONVERTING THEIR SERVICE INTO A NAME BRANDED SOLUTION.

7) Build the Dream Team
How to stop hiring helpers... Start outsourcing solutions
Most Business Owners and Salespeople today have concluded that they can’t find good help and they must settle for having to operate what feels like an employee daycare center. That is because you are hiring helpers and not solution providers. In the Building the Orchestra Coaching Program,  we will show you how to recruit a team that understands their role is not to HELP YOU reactively solve problems but to TAKE OVER the issues that are keeping you from focusing on the growth opportunities that can move your business forward. We will show you how to build a dream team.

8) Narrowing to the Niche that will Get You Rich
How to stop generalizing... Start specializing 
In business and in life, you will be known more for what you WON’T DO than for what you WILL DO. Consumers instinctively know you can’t be great at providing  all things to all people. That’s why it is so powerful to do only ONE THING, and you do it better than anyone else. But most business owners and salespeople struggle with narrowing their message because they think it means doing only ONE THING FOR ONE TYPE OF CUSTOMER. Having a niche can also mean doing ONE thing for MANY types of customers. Or, it can also mean doing MANY things for ONE type of customer. In the Building the Orchestra Coaching Program,  we will show you how to find your specific niche so that you can narrow your message without  narrowing  your services.

9) Targeting Your Social Media
How to stop broadcasting... Start connecting 
The problem for many small businesses today is that many are very good at what they do, but no one knows it.  Unless you are a known celebrity, it’s not enough anymore on social media to just post random pictures and thoughts. Today, you have to be sending out a clear message of who you are, what you believe, and what your clients or customers are experiencing when they work with your company. In the Building an Orchestra coaching program,  we will help you build YOUR story and show you how to tell it using a simple formula that works.

10) Creating a Repeatable Sales System
How to stop chasing.... Start Attracting

Rarely does a client or customer hear your message for the first time and immediately jump in. It’s usually a process of leading them through a series of steps. Yet most small businesses have no system for managing these steps, which means they have no way to measure it, no way to automate it, and no way to train their staff to manage it. In the Building a Orchestra Coaching Program, we will help you build a sales system that will allow you to scale your product process like never before.

11) Creating a Repeatable Operations System
How to stop reacting... Start Automating 

Many business owners we talk with say their product delivery can’t be systematized, everything is “one off”.  However, when they take a look from an aerial view, they find many steps are being repeated that a trained staff person could deliver.   In the Building an Orchestra Coaching Program, you will learn how to develop a system to put your operations on auto pilot so that you can focus on reaching your vision.  

12) Growing Your Business 10x
How to stop maintaining... Start Exploding 
Have you ever considered what your business would look like if it were 10 x larger?  What if your sales were 10X larger…  your staff was 10X larger… and your profits were 10X larger? Would your problems be 10X larger? Surprisingly, most business owners and salespeople who 10X  find it is actually 10X EASIER.  Why?  Because to grow 10X,  you will have completed all the things in the first 11 steps.   For your business to grow 10 x, you must have a clear vision, a dream team, a time management system, along with a repeatable sales and operation system. In our Building the Orchestra Coaching program,  we will take on the challenge with you of  10X growth.

Sharing concepts that will scale your business and shatter your limitations.

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12 STEPS TO BUILDING THE ORCHESTRA  –   Personal Coaching Program.


How to Create a Marketing Revolution by Converting Your Services into a Name Branded System. 

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